NHS Cutbacks

The problem with cutbacks in any service is that it does more damage to the infrastructure than first calculated.

When you cut back on staffing levels anyone with commercial experience - and politicians these days are so wet behind the eyes as they come direct from university to be employed as 'lobbyists' to be then short listed as a Member of Parliament - knows that any person of 'quality' before redundancies come find jobs elsewhere, before the axe falls.

This leaves the rubbish who are either just 'no good' or 'unemployable' in a quality organisation.

So now that the 'administration' is being replaced by local GP's (who are usually those doctors who failed the grade to become consultants and took second place in the community) who are expected to balance budgets and appoint priorities.

So the GP's will get the 'dregs' from what is left of the current NHS administration officers (after we have paid them redundancy money) to administer the future of the NHS - an absolute complete mess that will cost more and result in more deaths and longer waiting lists.

Cheapest results in poor quality - if you life was at stake do you use a Major Hospital or the skilled old guy who does the job cheaper in his back-room?


Take out Gaddafi??

Being a sane human being and watching the news diligently every day - you must have asked yourself - 'so why not just shoot Gaddafi and save us all this money and wasted lives?'

To which the media will tell you - 'the UN resolution did not sanction it!'

So fuck the UN resolution - you may retort - but that is not what is really going on here!!

For if we put a UN resolution to kill Gaddafi - the most sensible option, you would not get the votes needed to pass it and someone will veto the resolution before the vote (where does the fact that a country has a veto is subject of another blog!!)

So why would they veto it?

Its called state terrorism - which lets be honest is meaningless - until you understand that if we allow crazy fucking mad dictators to be legally 'bumped off' that will place all those wonderful 'pro-west' crazy fucking mad dictators in a precarious state - they will need to stand down and give there people freedom and democracy, and lets be real in this capitalist state where money via oil talks - that will not do at all!

Where would we be in history if we could bump off the 'insane' of this world?

No Hitler or world war two
No Stalin and the iron curtain
No Saddam and the fucking mess known as Iraq
No Bin Laden and the fucking mess that's Afghanistan

Get the picture??

The world machine says YOU are collateral damage and worthless while the 'elite' dictate what is write and what is wrong for them - remember the murdering dictator Pinochet?  Thatcher told him to come and live here with US - for the fascist understood the 'world order' and consequently would be look after!

And that's why Tony Blair called Gaddafi a couple of weeks ago to offer safe haven in South America with all his billions of stolen money (from the oil exports) that should have gone to help is impoverished people - but instead went to line his own pockets.

SO do the west really care about 'justice'? - not a chance they care about world order through money.

This media war is all 'bollocks' its about time we faced the truth!!

No. 6

University fees to double unless you live in Scotland!

The BBC have found that an average £40k loan for university education will in fact turn into a £80K repayment over the 25 years!  The most interesting aspect of this figure is that university education and the award of a ‘good’ degree is estimated to give you only an extra £100,000 of income over a life time.  This is now only a modest £20k extra income – about £1,000 per annum more than if you did not bother to do all that hard work and study.

The question I want answered is ‘how come a third world country like Scotland (in GDP size!) can offer FREE university education (and prescriptions, but that’s another blog!) and we in England are charging our children this huge fee?

They will tell you that we can’t afford the cost? – If that was true, nor could Scotland as they have a smaller income per head than us!  So what other ‘unspoken’ factors that is in operation here?
Our ‘capitalist’ system works on the fact that ‘cheap labour’ is required to create ‘profit’ in Manufacturing or Services.  Anyone with children will understand that ALL of the next generation want to earn ‘loads of money’ as our culture has glorified money makers and entrepreneurs up to the financial disaster 3 years ago.  So the option of them doing ‘cheap labour’ jobs for the love of our capitalist system is wishful thinking on behalf of the government.

In recent years this cheap labour has come in the form of Eastern European’s coming over to cover these basic jobs while our children dream of fame and fortune studying media or drama.  But the cost of this high immigration has had a knock on political effect with the current ‘Tory’ administration pledging to bring numbers coming here down – at a cost to basic services and agriculture.  This at a time when university leavers are becoming unemployed at record numbers as these ‘culture’ jobs are not being created in a service industry based economy.

The solution is to change the aspirations of ‘some’ of our children who will need to grow up wanting to work in McDonalds, clean hotel rooms and sweep the streets.  This is done by charging for education as it is well known that ‘poor’ families will not encourage their children to build up debt that cannot be paid off quickly.

So job done! this policy will return our society to the ‘past’ two tier society with the rich staying rich as they have access to cheap labour and the poor staying ‘poor’ with their children (of any ability) left with the fact that ‘at best’ they will be cleaning the shit from the toilets of their oligarch masters just like ‘the good old days’!

No. 6