Take out Gaddafi??

Being a sane human being and watching the news diligently every day - you must have asked yourself - 'so why not just shoot Gaddafi and save us all this money and wasted lives?'

To which the media will tell you - 'the UN resolution did not sanction it!'

So fuck the UN resolution - you may retort - but that is not what is really going on here!!

For if we put a UN resolution to kill Gaddafi - the most sensible option, you would not get the votes needed to pass it and someone will veto the resolution before the vote (where does the fact that a country has a veto is subject of another blog!!)

So why would they veto it?

Its called state terrorism - which lets be honest is meaningless - until you understand that if we allow crazy fucking mad dictators to be legally 'bumped off' that will place all those wonderful 'pro-west' crazy fucking mad dictators in a precarious state - they will need to stand down and give there people freedom and democracy, and lets be real in this capitalist state where money via oil talks - that will not do at all!

Where would we be in history if we could bump off the 'insane' of this world?

No Hitler or world war two
No Stalin and the iron curtain
No Saddam and the fucking mess known as Iraq
No Bin Laden and the fucking mess that's Afghanistan

Get the picture??

The world machine says YOU are collateral damage and worthless while the 'elite' dictate what is write and what is wrong for them - remember the murdering dictator Pinochet?  Thatcher told him to come and live here with US - for the fascist understood the 'world order' and consequently would be look after!

And that's why Tony Blair called Gaddafi a couple of weeks ago to offer safe haven in South America with all his billions of stolen money (from the oil exports) that should have gone to help is impoverished people - but instead went to line his own pockets.

SO do the west really care about 'justice'? - not a chance they care about world order through money.

This media war is all 'bollocks' its about time we faced the truth!!

No. 6

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