Lies, Dam Lies and Greeks!

It seems that we need to bailout the Greeks for a second time in a year!

Why is this?

Because they lied about the austerity measures they were going to put into place which allowed them to obtain the first bailout.  Basically, they took the money on false pretences...  they lied!!

If this was you or me you would immediately appear on some kind of 'black list' and any future credit withdrawn as you are untrustworthy and consequently may not payback the said amount.  So are we doing this to the Greeks then....NO!!  We going to give then even MORE money.

So is this the first time this has happened and so should we give them the benefit of the doubt... NO again!!

They lied to get into the Euro scheme in the first place and told the auditors that the country was health and sound... but it wasn't, in fact they don't collect taxes from half of the population... the wealth half ... as they have an ancient system who is deeply buried into their culture.... we call it in the west DISHONESTY they call it 'custom'.

Basically, they bribe the tax men not to tax them correctly.

But its not just TAX, if you know the system you can offer 'incentives' to the local officials for planning permission, health and safety, building regs.... you get the idea, brown bags are in great demand.  And this is not recent, if you look at the ancient Greeks those NOBLE philosophers they were totally corrupt!!  Plato in his famous 'the replublic' uses a lottery to chose which people can have sex at another to chose your partner at random.  But he's quite 'upfront' about who wins this 'sex lottery' its the philosophers and senators as its 'rigged' for they don't want the 'underclass' to populate... this may explain why politicians (especially Greek) can't keep their trousers on when elected, they are doing the underclass women a favour, ask Arnie (he looks Greek?)

But lets be honest they are not the only country to look for bribes the current FIFA committee is full of members looking for 'back handers' as they see this practice not dishonest but 'business'....

So are we in England the 'moralists' that the rest of the world laugh at while swapping these bags under the tables of corporate government - why YES of course... Remember your just a mushroom after ALL!

The Prisoner