Were back, with the tax man!!

Sorry we've been away and the comments I sent from the island in bottles, will not get to the UK for another 4 years!!

So lets take a look at taxation!!

Once upon a time we were taxed by windows - it was known as 'daylight robbery!' - All true...  we have now three centre right parties known as neoliberalism if you go to study politics also known as  'completely clueless, fucking useless and totally inept' if you are a commoner, like me.  So why the big debate about taxation - should be 10% for the lower classes or 50p in the pound for the rich list etc,  - this is because the capitalist system we live in, make the masses believe that we all have to share the pain of running the country, as we are all poor and broke.

Complete bullshit!!

The only statistic you should consider is the fact that 90% of the wealth is owned by 5% of the people even now in the 21st century, as it has always been even since Karl Marx noticed the unfairness of the system - Yes you have TV's, ipods and cars, but the true power of were our money is spent is still dictated by the elite (the top 5% of earners) as they have control of the parliamentary process. If you want to have a clear view of how a modern capitalist system works take a look at Russia - we in the west are much better in 'covering up' the holes in our democracy than the Russians, but the system is just as corrupt as theirs, we just drink less Vodka.

So how do we get rid of the 'latter day' window tax?

Simple Watson - death duty!  The state should take 100% of all estates after someone dies and place it in common ownership.  Unfair I hear you cry!! No is isn't, we should allow some monies to pass from wife to husband or father to wife also parent to sons and daughters - but a maximum of £100K per person.  Now most 2.4 families will not have £340,000 (that's 2.4 children plus one adult) to pass on, so no change their for the majority, but the 5% (including the Queen) will have a majority of the estate given to government who can sell it, rent it, or keep it for the good of ALL the people.

The result?

No income tax needs to be paid for the duration of your life time, no brain drain, no need to stay on state benefits as jobs are tax free - simple effective and no chance because the ruling classes are left with the same as the rest of us in as little as 50 years - a bloodless revolutionist. But the cornerstone of any 'true' Democratic Political party.

No. 6